
Virtualization Server in Hilton Head Island ​Reduce your Physical Server Needs by Virtualizing


Does your business require multiple servers to operate? Compu-Net Systems can reduce the number of physical servers required by Virtualization Server infrastructure. By utilizing technologies from Microsoft and VMware we will plan and implement or migrate your multiple physical server environments to a single physical server running multiple virtual servers. This saves on maintenance, power and software licensing costs.

The decision to use virtualization in your business environment is not as simple as just saying less physical servers = saving money! This decision takes up front planning and is a multiple step process. Let’s assume that you have ruled out moving some of your server infrastructure to cloud servers and you need to keep all of your servers onsite Virtualization Server.

Step 1: Evaluate the server infrastructure that will be needed for the next 3 – 5 years. Compu-Net Systems can perform an evaluation and engineer the number of servers and hardware/software requirements of the physical and virtual environment.

Step 2: Compu-Net Systems will provide an estimate on what the cost would be to implement and support Virtualization Server the physical and virtual environment.

Step 3: Compu-Net Systems will consult with the business decision makers to determine the best solution. Sometimes the less expensive solution is not always the right decision for all businesses.

Step 4: Compu-Net Systems will implement Virtualization Server, service and support the physical or virtual environment that was chosen and manage its life cycle.


Compu-Net Systems, LLC   
40 Bainbridge Way, Bluffton, SC 29910
(843) 800-8192